procedure. They result in the same and utilize the same method, but differ if about performance. All the performance comparisons regard execution in Windows 7.
The slowest variant:
:GenerateDrivePolicyValue set alphabet=A;B;C;D;E;F;G;H;I;J;K;L;M;N;O;P;Q;R;S;T;U;V;W;X;Y;Z set init=1 for %%A in (%alphabet%) do (for /f "tokens=2 delims=^=" %%B in ('set init') do (set Drive%%A=%%B;0&set/a init*=2)) set init= set final=0 for %%A in (%*) do (for %%B in (%alphabet%) do (if "%%A"=="%%B:" (call:RaiseValBy %%B||echo Drive '%%B:' has already been added))) for %%A in (%alphabet%) do (set Drive%%A=&if defined IsAlready%%A (set IsAlready%%A=)) set alphabet= call:ThrowErrorLevel %final% exit/b%errorlevel% :ThrowErrorLevel set final= exit/b%1 :RaiseValBy for /f "tokens=2,3 delims=^=;" %%A in ('set Drive%1') do ( if "%%B"=="1" ( exit/b1 ) else ( for /f "tokens=2 delims=^=" %%C in ('set final') do ( set/a final=%%C+%%A set Drive%1=%%A;1 ) ) ) exit/b0
A bit faster one:
:GenerateDrivePolicyValue set alphabet=A;B;C;D;E;F;G;H;I;J;K;L;M;N;O;P;Q;R;S;T;U;V;W;X;Y;Z set init=1 for %%A in (%alphabet%) do (for /f "tokens=2 delims=^=" %%B in ('set init') do (set Drive%%A=%%B&set/a init*=2)) set init= set final=0 for %%A in (%*) do (for %%B in (%alphabet%) do (if "%%A"=="%%B:" (call:RaiseValBy %%B))) for %%A in (%alphabet%) do (set Drive%%A=&if defined IsAlready%%A (set IsAlready%%A=)) set alphabet= call:ThrowErrorLevel %final% exit/b%errorlevel% :ThrowErrorLevel set final= exit/b%1 :RaiseValBy if not defined Drive%1 (exit/b0) for /f "tokens=2 delims=^=" %%A in ('set Drive%1') do set val=%%A set/a final=%final%+%val% set Drive%1= exit/b0
And the fastest of the three:
:GenerateDrivePolicyValue setlocal set alphabet=A;B;C;D;E;F;G;H;I;J;K;L;M;N;O;P;Q;R;S;T;U;V;W;X;Y;Z set init=1 for %%A in (%alphabet%) do (call:LoadArrayProc %%A) for %%A in (%*) do (for %%B in (%alphabet%) do (if "%%A"=="%%B:" (call:RaiseValBy %%B %%Drive%%B%%))) endlocal&exit/b%final% :LoadArrayProc set Drive%1=%init%&set/a init*=2&exit/b0 :RaiseValBy if not "%2"=="" (set/a final=%final%+%2) exit/b0
Update: I forgot to add the variant that is used in GTweak, my now-discontinued project. Performance of this one has not been tested.
:GenerateDrivePolicyValue set alphabet=A;B;C;D;E;F;G;H;I;J;K;L;M;N;O;P;Q;R;S;T;U;V;W;X;Y;Z set init=1 for %%A in (%alphabet%) do (call:LoadArrayProc %%A) set init= for %%A in (%*) do (for %%B in (%alphabet%) do (if "%%A"=="%%B:" (call:RaiseValBy %%B||echo Drive '%%B:' has already been added))) for %%A in (%alphabet%) do (set Drive%%A=&if defined IsAlready%%A (set IsAlready%%A=)) set alphabet= call:ThrowErrorLevel %final% exit/b%errorlevel% :ThrowErrorLevel set final= exit/b%1 :LoadArrayProc set Drive%1=%init%&set/a init*=2&exit/b0 :RaiseValBy set var1=%% IsAlready%1 %% set var1=%var1: =% for %%A in (%var1%) do (call:RaiseValBy_1 %%A||exit/b1) set var2=%% Drive%1 %% set var2=%var2: =% call set/a final=%final%+%var2% set IsAlready%1=1 set var2=&set var1= exit/b0 :RaiseValBy_1 if "%1"=="1" (exit/b1) else (exit/b0)
...and this is the very first variant of what I was about to name "GenerateDrivePolicyValue" and improve later. This one comes from GTweak 1.35, released in December 2010. Its performance is also uncertain, though, from what I so far have seen, it could conquer the newest, thinnest variant. Go and give it a try if you care. :)
@echo off :loop echo. setlocal for %%A in (A: B: C: D: E: F: G: H: I: J: K: L: M: N: O: P: Q: R: S: T: U: V: W: X: Y: Z:) do call:mgrdrvloop %%A endlocal&echo.&echo %final% pause goto loop :mgrdrvloop ::echo. ::set/p ch= Type drive letter ^> ::if /i "%1"=="discard" set final=0 ::if /i "%1"=="give_up" goto oep ::if /i "%1"=="nothing" set final=0&&exit/b0 ::if /i "%1"=="done" exit/b0 ::if /i "%1"=="all" set final=67108863&&echo All drives added&&exit/b0 if "%1"=="A:" if not "%IsAlreadyA%"=="1" set /a final=%final%+1&&set IsAlreadyA=1&&exit/b0 if "%1"=="B:" if not "%IsAlreadyB%"=="1" set /a final=%final%+2&&set IsAlreadyB=1&&exit/b0 if "%1"=="C:" if not "%IsAlreadyC%"=="1" set /a final=%final%+4&&set IsAlreadyC=1&&exit/b0 if "%1"=="D:" if not "%IsAlreadyD%"=="1" set /a final=%final%+8&&set IsAlreadyD=1&&exit/b0 if "%1"=="E:" if not "%IsAlreadyE%"=="1" set /a final=%final%+16&&set IsAlreadyE=1&&exit/b0 if "%1"=="F:" if not "%IsAlreadyF%"=="1" set /a final=%final%+32&&set IsAlreadyF=1&&exit/b0 if "%1"=="G:" if not "%IsAlreadyG%"=="1" set /a final=%final%+64&&set IsAlreadyG=1&&exit/b0 if "%1"=="H:" if not "%IsAlreadyH%"=="1" set /a final=%final%+128&&set IsAlreadyH=1&&exit/b0 if "%1"=="I:" if not "%IsAlreadyI%"=="1" set /a final=%final%+256&&set IsAlreadyI=1&&exit/b0 if "%1"=="J:" if not "%IsAlreadyJ%"=="1" set /a final=%final%+512&&set IsAlreadyJ=1&&exit/b0 if "%1"=="K:" if not "%IsAlreadyK%"=="1" set /a final=%final%+1024&&set IsAlreadyK=1&&exit/b0 if "%1"=="L:" if not "%IsAlreadyL%"=="1" set /a final=%final%+2048&&set IsAlreadyL=1&&exit/b0 if "%1"=="M:" if not "%IsAlreadyM%"=="1" set /a final=%final%+4096&&set IsAlreadyM=1&&exit/b0 if "%1"=="N:" if not "%IsAlreadyN%"=="1" set /a final=%final%+8192&&set IsAlreadyN=1&&exit/b0 if "%1"=="O:" if not "%IsAlreadyO%"=="1" set /a final=%final%+16384&&set IsAlreadyO=1&&exit/b0 if "%1"=="P:" if not "%IsAlreadyP%"=="1" set /a final=%final%+32768&&set IsAlreadyP=1&&exit/b0 if "%1"=="Q:" if not "%IsAlreadyQ%"=="1" set /a final=%final%+65536&&set IsAlreadyQ=1&&exit/b0 if "%1"=="R:" if not "%IsAlreadyR%"=="1" set /a final=%final%+131072&&set IsAlreadyR=1&&exit/b0 if "%1"=="S:" if not "%IsAlreadyS%"=="1" set /a final=%final%+262144&&set IsAlreadyS=1&&exit/b0 if "%1"=="T:" if not "%IsAlreadyT%"=="1" set /a final=%final%+524288&&set IsAlreadyT=1&&exit/b0 if "%1"=="U:" if not "%IsAlreadyU%"=="1" set /a final=%final%+1048576&&set IsAlreadyU=1&&exit/b0 if "%1"=="V:" if not "%IsAlreadyV%"=="1" set /a final=%final%+2097152&&set IsAlreadyV=1&&exit/b0 if "%1"=="W:" if not "%IsAlreadyW%"=="1" set /a final=%final%+4194304&&set IsAlreadyW=1&&exit/b0 if "%1"=="X:" if not "%IsAlreadyX%"=="1" set /a final=%final%+8388608&&set IsAlreadyX=1&&exit/b0 if "%1"=="Y:" if not "%IsAlreadyY%"=="1" set /a final=%final%+16777216&&set IsAlreadyY=1&&exit/b0 if "%1"=="Z:" if not "%IsAlreadyZ%"=="1" set /a final=%final%+33554432&&set IsAlreadyZ=1&&exit/b0 echo. echo Input '%1' is not a valid drive letter OR drive already added exit/b1
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